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Tips for Students who want to go abroad for Studies

Studying abroad is one of the great things you can do as a student. But even though it can be a positive experience, surviving your first year abroad isn't the easiest thing to do. There might be language barriers, financial issues, and differences in teaching styles that might make it harder to settle in. To assist you through this challenging period,

We have organized a list of nine tips for surviving your year abroad.

1. Don't miss a chance to make new friends

Try not to skip orientation week/fresher's week, as this is the best opportunity to meet other new students and build friendships. Introduce yourself to the individuals as possible, join clubs, and find the international student network to speak to other students in the same boat as you. You will find that you have a good network of friends you can study and associate with.

2. Learn how to do things independently

Perhaps you are accustomed to having everything done for you. Can you do laundry? Can you cook? What about doing the dishes? If you don't do all these things before, you had better start learning how to do them today. Otherwise, you will have a very rough time abroad.

3. Be responsible

While it is essential to take advantage of each of the opportunities that come in your direction while studying abroad, it's also important to behave responsibly. Try not to get into any circumstances that might get you in trouble or in harm's way.

4. Study hard

Studying is one of the most important parts of the university. Try to go to the library and form study groups with course mates – this is an excellent way to bond with your course mates and can help you to learn topics that you are finding particularly difficult.

While it is essential to join societies and clubs, ensure that you don't let studying fall by the wayside.

5. Stay in shape

Quite often, if you are studying abroad, you will be advised to have a health test ahead of time to show that you are healthy.

Ensure that while you are abroad, you do whatever it may take to care for your health, such as eating well, exercising regularly, sleeping well, and drinking lots of water.

6. Learn the language

If you are moving to a nation where you don't communicate in the first language, then it very well may be an excellent plan to really try to get familiar with the local language. It will help you with interfacing with the local students and make listening to lectures and seminars easier. 

7. Be a good tipper

Learn what local people are likely to tip and what they tip for, and attempt to do the same. It is always good to observe the local rules for this to make sure that you are appropriately tipping for the service you receive.

8. Do not give in to peer pressure.

With regards to doing something that you feel awkward with, stick to your instincts. You need to remember that your time studying abroad was charming, not that you did lots of things you you didn't want to do.

9. Avoid overspending


Studying abroad is costly, and now and sometimes, your student loan will not be enough. The most recent thing you need, in this way, is an unnecessary expenditure. Take the time to draw up a financial plan and think about where you want to spend your money.

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