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What Challenges as a student abroad deal with

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A student has to be prepared for several challenges before going to another country for studies.

Going to a new country for higher education is just about the most exciting thing that can happen for most students worldwide. After all the exams, essays, and interviews it takes to get selected, the last thing we feel like doing is thinking about the serious aspects of overseas education. However, it always pays to be aware of the common problems students have faced abroad. Here are some of the challenges a student can expect to face when going abroad.

Problems related to financial stability

It should come as no surprise that international education is an expensive endeavor. What many are surprised by, however, is the sheer number of ways one’s finances get tested overseas. It is understandably difficult to account for currency exchange, inflation rates, student loans, where you took those student loans from, your investment portfolio, etc. before even considering your daily expenses.

In general, however, financial stability overseas comes down to planning and responsible spending. As you get to know your new surroundings, you will naturally be able to better gauge the expenses and it can be balanced to maintain a decent standard of living without compromising long-term goals.

Thankfully, various international student finance platforms specialise in guiding students who are going abroad through the technical aspects of student loans, banking, forex, etc.

Finding a decent accommodation

Accommodation or rent is generally considered to be the second-largest expense for international students after tuition fees. Inadequate accommodation can make life significantly more difficult through various means: having long commute times to your college, being in an unattractive part of town, having unclear rent policies, unpleasant neighbours, or just poor amenities.

The good news is that most accommodation-related challenges can be avoided by sufficient planning. Researching your destination’s boroughs and transport routes can help narrow down certain areas you want to live in. Furthermore, in popular student destinations like the UK, entire sectors of the property market are devoted to college students. PBSAs (Purpose Built Student Accommodation) is a relatively unknown form of student housing which are designed from the ground up to cater to students in terms of everything from the rent to the floor plan to the amenities offered.

Perhaps the most difficult part of the accommodation process is ensuring that what you see on a site is actually what you will get when you get to your destination. A relatively new option for students is international accommodation managers that partner directly with renowned property managers in the country to get the most accurate information about rents, leases, points of contact, etc., and ensure a hassle-free stay for their clients.

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